SQL Server 2016 – Business Intelligence Edition?

Nachdem nun der SQL Server 2016 verfügbar ist, schauen Kunden der SQL Server 2014 Business Intelligence Edition ein wenig ungläubig drein. Die BI Edition gibt es nicht mehr. Habe mir dazu die Hinweise auf der Lizenzierungsseite von Microsoft angeschaut.

Hier der O-Ton aus dem Licensing Guide für SQL 2016:

For SQL Server Business Intelligence Edition Licenses with Software Assurance

SQL Server 2014 was the last version of the SQL Server Business Intelligence Edition. Customers with active SA coverage on qualifying Business Intelligence Edition server licenses on June 1, 2016 are eligible to upgrade to and use SQL Server 2016 Enterprise (Server+CAL) software with those licenses.

During the current term of SA coverage (effective on or before June 1, 2016), customers who are licensing SQL Server 2014 Business Intelligence Edition can, for a given deployment, upgrade to and use the SQL Server 2016 Enterprise Edition (Server+CAL) software in place of the licensed SQL Server 2014 edition. Note: Customers who upgrade to SQL Server 2016 software are subject to current version Enterprise Edition server license product terms. 

Customers with Enterprise Agreements effective on or before June 1, 2016 can continue to acquire additional SQL Server 2014 Business Intelligence server licenses—and upgrade those licenses to SQL Server 2016—through the end of their current enrollment term, as long as the number of new licenses acquired does not exceed more than 25% of the number of qualifying licenses acquired as of May 1, 2016. 

After their current term expires, SA coverage can be renewed and maintained on SQL Server Enterprise Edition server licenses to provide continued access to SA benefits, including License Mobility rights, Failover Server rights, and access to future releases.

Denke mal, dass das fair klingt, oder?

Wie immer sind alle Lizenzierungshinweise hier von mir ohne jegliche Gewähr!

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