Azure Search – SQL Server Konferenz 2015

120x600_SQL_Server_Konferenz7Wie ich auch schon in diesem Blogpost angemerkt habe, ist die kommende SQL Server Konferenz in Darmstadt ein ganz besonderes Event. Daher möchte ich in den kommenden Tagen einige Sessions im Detail vorstellen.

“Looking for Answers with Azure Search
Want to learn how to search your massive data repositories in Azure?
Want to learn how to find value from your data quickly?
Azure search is a new offering from Microsoft. Being able to search your data repositories at scale is something Azure cloud users have been screaming for. Well now it is here so come to this session and learn how to use Azure search.”

Von Allan Mitchell

“I work with companies helping them to decide how best to store their data
Key/Value (Redis)
Document (DocumentDB, Mongo)
Relational (SQL Server)
NoSQL (Hadoop/HBase)
I also help customers to decide on whether a move to cloud based offerings makes sense. The Azure platform from Microsoft has a lot to offer and it isn't necessarily a Cloud/On Premise binary choice. Hybrid scenarios make a lot of sense too. I also work with customers who have large scale or interesting data movement requirements. This could be batch processes which are complex or real-time sensor and telemetry data.”

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